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JÖST GmbH & Co. KG

AddressGewerbestraße 28-32
48249 Dülmen
Phone0049 2590 98 0
Fax0049 2590 98 101

Company Profile

JÖST is a medium sized company. One of our most outstanding qualities is our high flexibility. To meet or exceed our customers’ requirements is possible because of our experience in vibration technology thanks to the creativity and innovations of our experienced engineers. JÖST is able to offer sophisticated machines and systems for conveying, screening, dosing and thermal processing of bulk materials. JÖST-machines can be found in almost every industrial sector around the world. With world wide more than 750 highly motivated staff members JÖST can guarantee world wide high quality, ideal reliability and an effective industry service.

Product Profile

  • Casting coolers are heavy duty slow speed resonance conveyors which are equipped with an airtight hood. The cooling effect is based on convective heat exchange between the hot castings and a powerful cooling air flow.
  • Shakeout screens are machines which are equipped with a heavy duty deck. The vibration features high acceleration and is directed vertically. This enables the machine to shake out nobake sand moulds.

Machines and plants for moulding material preparation and sand reclamation

  • sand reclamation

Machines and plants for moulding and core making

  • moulding machines and plants for clay bonded material
  • moulding machines and plants for not clay bonded material

Machines and equipment for melting shops

  • charge make-up and charging equipment

Machines and equipment for knock-out, fettling and finishing

  • knock-out, shake-out

Other foundry machines and equipment

  • Conveying and storage systems

Transportation and storage

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